Preface: What follows is a complex document. It was produced at a seminar in spirit world for leaders of the five great religions. It includes testimonies to the True Parents, Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, a letter from God, messages from four communist leaders, and a resolution written and adopted by the representatives of the five great religions.
前言:以下所揭露的是一份多元性的文件。這是通過在靈界為五大宗教領導者舉辦的修練會,收錄與會者發表的見證編輯而成。這份文件包括對真父母──文鮮明牧師夫婦的見證,來自於神的一封信,共黨領導者的見證及五大宗教全體代表草擬及通過的決議文。To take this all in, we advise you to relax and open your mind for a while. If you believe in the existence of a higher dimension of reality, of God, of an invisible realm, this will call you to reflect on the implications of that belief. We believe in the spirit world and in the continuation of individual identity from this world to that one. All the passed-away saints are residing in spirit world. Since Jesus called him in 1935, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon has carried on a ministry to spirit world in parallel with his ministry on Earth. He has sought to gather the founders and saints of all faiths around one table of unity. In recent times, he has ministered to spirits in hell and opened the gates of their liberation. This collection of testimonies is one fruit of that ministry.
為了能讓您完全地消化這些內容,我們誠懇地建議您放鬆心情,打開心門。如果您相信有更高次元的事實,相信神的存在,相信有看不見的世界,這篇文章將會 讓您對信仰的實踐面有更深的省思。我們相信有靈界,我們相信靈界是我們人在地上的肉身生活結束後靈魂繼續生活直到永遠的地方。所有逝去的先聖先賢目前都住 在靈界。打從耶穌在1935年呼召文鮮明牧師要繼續完成耶穌未完成的使命後,文牧師便在靈界與地上界同時展開了平行併行的宣教工作。文牧師努力將所有宗教 的創教者與聖賢聚集在一起。近來,文牧師對地獄中的靈人宣教,並且打開了他們通往自由的大門。這篇文章收錄的見證只不過是文牧師宣教的成果之一。The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is publishing this document throughout America and in 40 countries worldwide. This proclamation is our responsibility to let all humankind know the works of God in our age.
世界和平統一家庭聯合會在全美及世界上的四十幾國同步刊登這篇文章。我們的責任是向世人宣告 神在我們這世代的工作。This message has significant practical as well as spiritual import. It is a unifying message, addressing believers of all faiths as one global family. As such it is intended to draw all men and women to the one Holy God and help bring world peace. Peace will not arrive through politics or economic development alone, as crucial as these things are. The foundation for peace is common faith in God and practice of true parental, conjugal and familial love. Hence the value of True Parents, and the messianic power of their words and works.
這些內容在實踐面與屬靈面上同等重要。這是一份統合的信息,彰顯出所有宗教的信仰者同屬一個世界性的家庭。因此,以下見證內容的目的是將全世界的男女 帶到神面前,並且一起致力於世界和平的創建。和平不會單靠政治或經濟發展而實現,雖然二者非常地重要。和平的基台應該建立在人類對神的共同信仰上,實踐真 實的父母、夫婦和家庭之愛,進而真父母的價值,及彌賽亞般力量的聖言和事工。A committee or coalition cannot instigate true love; the responsibility for this devolves to substantial human exemplars. The testimonies that follow bear witness that the Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon are those exemplars and have opened the gates for all people to inherit, through them, God's completed salvation, prophesied in all scriptures.
一個委員會或聯盟沒法帶來真愛;帶來真愛的責任便落到一位實體的人類楷模上。這些見證人所要見證的內容便是:文鮮明牧師夫婦便是實體的人類楷模,並且他們已經為全人類開啟了一扇繼承 神所賜下之完全拯救的內容,人類只要通過文牧師夫婦便可繼承這項所有經書所預言的內容。The testimonies appeal to Father Moon's teachings and works as the evidence of their veracity. We encourage the reader to move beyond these messages and duly pursue study of his teachings and works. Those of us who have followed Father Moon's leadership confirm the testimonies of the saints. We believe in God's work for world peace, to bring His kingdom upon the Earth and in Heaven. With that love and hope in our hearts, we recommend these messages to you.
The Editors
Family Federation for World Peace, International
Ceremony in spirit world for the adoption and proclamation of a written resolution by the representatives of the five great religions.
五大宗教先聖先賢代表在靈界決意及宣告書面決議文的決議大會The written resolution of the representatives of the five great religions
五大宗教先聖先賢代表的書面決議文1. Christianity: Jesus and 12 other representatives
2. Confucianism: Confucius and 12 other representatives (including 3 additional people)
3. Buddhism: Buddha and 12 other representatives
4. Islam: Muhammad and 12 other representatives
5. Hinduism: Three people among the 12 representatives
印度教:12位先聖先賢中的三位This report was sent by Dr. Sang Hun Lee and received by reporter Mrs. Young Soon Kim, between December 19 and December 27, 2001, at the Asan Campus of Sun Moon University.
這些見證是由李相軒博士口述傳達,並由金英順女士協助筆錄,時間為2001年12月19日至27日,地點在鮮文大學的"Asan校園"。Ceremony in spirit world for the adoption and proclamation of a written resolution by representatives of the five great religions
五大宗教先聖先賢代表在靈界決意及宣告書面決議文的決議大會Order of the Ceremony:
大會議程Date and time: Noon, December 25, 2001
日期及時間:2001年12月25日中午Master of Ceremonies: Dr. Sang Hun Lee
大會主席:李相軒博士1. Proclamation of the opening of the ceremony: We will now conduct the ceremony for the adoption and proclamation of a written resolution by the representatives of the five great religions.
宣布大會開始:我們現在進行「五大宗教先聖先賢代表在靈界決意及宣告書面決議文的決議大會」2. Recitation of the Family Pledge
宣讀家庭誓盟3. Proclamation of the written resolution (Jesus)
宣讀書面決議文(由耶穌代表宣讀)4. Representative prayer (Jesus)
代表禱告(由耶穌代表全體禱告)5. Three cheers of victory, led by Mohammed - Victory for God, Victory for True Parents, Victory for the five great religions
由穆罕默德代領的三呼萬歲---神勝利、真父母勝利、五大宗教勝利!The ceremony concluded with applause.
大會在全體熱烈鼓掌中結束。Seating Arrangement:
座位安排:1) The front seats were filled by the leading representatives of the five great religions.
前排座位入座者為五大宗教的主要先聖先賢代表2) Behind the leading representatives, the 12 other representatives of each religion sat.
在主要先聖先賢代表之後則為每一宗教的12位代表3) In the back of the arena, 120 representatives from each religion sat.
Jesus' Prayer:
耶穌的代表禱告We of the five great religions, attending God above us and True Parents horizontally, pledge and proclaim that we will go the way of absolute obedience, in order to correct all of the wrongs committed throughout history.
我們這些侍奉在天上的神及地上真父母的五大宗教代表,在此宣誓及宣告我們會以絕對的服從來行走未來的道路,以便完全地解決人類歷史中所犯下的一切錯誤。I report this in the name of Jesus, of a central blessed family. Amen, Amen, Amen.
我以中心祝福家庭耶穌之名報告。阿門,阿門,阿門。The written resolution by representatives of the five great religions
五大宗教代表的書面決議文。1. We resolve and proclaim that God is the Parent of all humankind.
我們共同決議及宣告神是所有人類的父母。2. We resolve and proclaim that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the Savior, Messiah, Second Coming and True Parent of all humanity.
我們共同決議及宣告文鮮明牧師是所有人類的救主、彌賽亞、再臨主及真父母。3. We resolve and proclaim that the Unification Principle is a message of peace for the salvation of humanity and the gospel for the Completed Testament Age.
我們共同決議及宣告統一原理是拯救人類的和平信息及成約時代的福音。4. We resolve and proclaim that we will accomplish the peaceful unification of the cosmos through "living for others" while transcending religion, nationality and race, centering on true love.
我們共同決議及宣告我們會通過超越宗教、國界及種族,並以真愛為中心的「為他人而活」的理念來實現天宙的和平統一。5. The representatives of the five great religions resolve and proclaim that we will harmonize with one another, unite and move forward, in order to bring about the nation of God and world peace, while attending True Parents.
五大宗教代表共同決議及宣告我們會與他人和諧地合一、一起向前邁進並且侍奉真父母,以建立神國及世界和平。This has been resolved and proclaimed by Jesus, the leading representative of the group of representatives of the five great religions, Christianity, Confucianism, Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism, at noon on December 25, 2001.
Jesus: Reverend Sun Myung Moon! Thou art the Second Coming who inaugurated the Completed Testament Age! The 120 people, who have brought light to the history of Christianity, pledge to take part in all that the True Parents do, and resolve to strive toward the ideal, the original garden where there is no original sin, through the guidance, the words of the Completed Testament, and the Unification Principle, of the Savior and Messiah, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. (2001.12.19)
耶穌:文鮮明牧師啊!您是開啟成約時代的再臨主!曾經光照過基督教歷史的120位代表宣誓要參與真父母領導之所有旨意的工作,並且決意通過救主及彌賽亞文 鮮明牧師的指導,即在成約時代賜下的聖言與統一原理,來建立一個沒有原罪的理想本然花園。(2001.12.19)1) Peter (Disciple of Jesus): I, Peter, representing the twelve disciples of Jesus, pledge to attend the Lord of the Second Coming, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, as Messiah and Savior.
彼得(耶穌的門徒):代表耶穌12門徒的我──彼得謹誓要侍奉再臨主文鮮明牧師,他是彌賽亞及人類的救主。2) Paul (Missionary): I, Paul, pledge to believe and attend the Lord of the Second Coming, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, as Messiah, Savior and True Parent, with the fire I felt when I met the resurrected Jesus on the road to Damascus. I will live with the words, "You must save the saints" in my heart.
保羅(使徒):我保羅謹誓相信且要侍奉再臨主文鮮明牧師,他是人類的救主、彌賽亞及真父母,我要以我在通往大馬士革的路上遇到復活的耶穌時同樣的火熱心情來侍奉再臨主。我會將「你必須拯救先聖先賢」這句話牢記在心。3) John Calvin (Religious Reformer): God is the Parent of humankind and Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the Messiah, Savior and Second Coming. Therefore, I shall live by the teachings of the Lord, and I, John Calvin, pledge to become a pioneer in helping those who are still waiting for the Lord, who are in agony, following a theology of bigotry.
約翰克爾文(宗教改革者):神是人類的的父母,而文鮮明牧師是彌賽亞、救主及再臨主。因此我要以我主的教導來生活,我謹誓要成為協助拯救那些仍然在等待再臨主的信仰者之宣教先驅,那些人因為相信了狹隘的宗教理論而仍然陷於苦悶之中。4) Martin Luther (Religious Reformer): I believe that God is the Parent of humankind. I believe that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the Lord of the Second Advent. I proudly proclaim that the Unification Principle is the new gospel for humanity. I, Martin Luther, pledge that I will believe in these truths, and live a life of attendance, to become a pioneer for humanity.
馬丁路德(宗教改革者):我相信神是人類的父母。我相信文鮮明牧師是再臨主。我光榮地宣告統一原理是人類的新福音。我馬丁路德謹誓我相信這些真理,過一個侍奉真父母的生活,並成為向全人類宣揚新福音的先驅。5) John Wesley (Missionary and Revivalist): I, John Wesley, proclaim that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the True Parent of all humankind and I pledge and pledge again to live according to the direction and teachings of the True Parents.
約翰衛斯理(宣教士及宗教復興家):我約翰衛斯理宣告文鮮明牧師是全人類的真父母,我宣誓再宣誓要根據真父母的教導和指示來生活。6) Karl Barth (Modern Theologian): Dear Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Although I am late in doing so, I, Karl Barth, wish to live a life of attendance to, and receive guidance from, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who is the Second Coming and Savior. True Parents, I wish to receive the messianic teachings. Please guide me in this. I pledge to live in attendance to the True Parents.
卡爾巴斯(現代神學家):親愛的文鮮明牧師:雖然遲了些,但我卡爾巴斯仍然希望過一個侍奉文鮮明牧師的生活,文牧師是再臨主及人類的救主,我要接受文牧師的指導。真父母,我希望接受彌賽亞的教導。請您指引我。我謹誓要過一個侍奉真父母的生活。7) David Livingston (Missionary to Africa): Reverend Sun Myung Moon! O Second Coming of Christ! Dear True Parents, I, Livingston, wish to create a land of God's ideal, even if it is a modest place. Can you give me a place in which to do this? I pledge to live according to the guidance of the will of the Second Coming.
大衛.李文斯敦(非洲宣教士):文鮮明牧師啊!哦再臨主!親愛的真父母,我李文斯敦希望創建一個神的理想之地,那怕是在最卑微的地方。您能賜給我一個地方來建立這片理想之地嗎?我謹誓要過一個根據再臨主旨意指導的生活。8) Jonathan Edwards (Leader of American Great Awakening): Reverend Sun Myung Moon! Lord! I am so grateful to you. Please forgive and save America with the magnanimity of True Parents. America is God's Garden of Eden. Let it remain as the eternal Eden on earth. I know that the ideal of the Lord is that of God, and only Godism can save America. I, Jonathan Edwards, promise to never change my heart attending the Second Coming.
約拿漢.艾德華(美國大復興的領袖):文鮮明牧師啊!我主啊!我實在是太感激您了。請原諒我並以真父母的大能拯救美國。美國是神的伊甸園。讓美國永遠保持 為地上的伊甸園。我知道再臨主的理想,那便是唯有神和神主義才能拯救美國。我約拿翰艾德華保證決不改變侍奉真父母的心情。9) John Smyth (Founder of the Baptist Church): O esteemed Reverend Sun Myung Moon! Please allow the grace of your blessing unto the whole of humanity, so that they may start a new life. Please open the way for humankind to be able to live together as brothers and sisters in a Garden of Eden without original sin as soon as possible. I, John Smyth, shall go anywhere, if the Lord goes with me.
約翰.史密斯(浸信會的創建者):哦,我敬愛的文鮮明牧師啊!請您將您祝福的恩典賜給全人類,好讓全人類可以重新生活。請您儘快為人類樹立一條道路,讓人類可以在無罪的伊甸園中像兄弟姊妹般地生活。只要我主與我同在,我約翰史密斯願意去到任何地方。10) John Harvard (Founder of Harvard University, Puritan): I, John Harvard, truly wish that not only the youth of Harvard University, but those of all the universities in the world, can be armed with Unification Principle and receive the guidance of Reverend Sun Myung Moon. I pledge to participate actively in Reverend Sun Myung Moon's movement for world peace.
約翰哈佛(哈佛大學的建校者,Puritan):我約翰哈佛,不僅希望哈佛大學的年輕人能以統一原理來裝備自己,更期待全世界大學中的學生都以統一原理來裝備自己,並且接受文鮮明牧師的指導。我謹誓要積極地參與文鮮明牧師的世界和平運動。11) St. Augustine (Bishop of Hippo, who laid the cornerstone of Catholic theology): I, Augustine, will move forward strongly in realizing the ideal of the Completed Testament Age, to allow all of humanity to have the Unification Principle as their truth and Reverend Sun Myung Moon as their Messiah. I respect, believe and depend on all the words and theology of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and I give my oath and pledge, raising my hands, to do all that I do together with the Lord.
聖奧古斯丁(大主教,建立天主教的神學基礎):我奧古斯丁會堅強地向前邁進來實現成約時代的理想,讓全人類都能夠接受統一原理是他們要學習的真理,且文鮮 明牧師是他們的彌賽亞。我尊敬、相信且依靠文鮮明牧師賜下的聖言及建立的理論,我舉起雙手起誓並宣誓要做所有我與再臨主同工的事。12) Horace Underwood (American Presbyterian, first missionary to Korea): I, Horace Underwood, joyfully celebrate the fact that the Second Coming has come to Korea, an eastern country that takes polite etiquette very seriously. I put my hands together and bow to the Messiah. I pledge and give my word of honor to devote all that I possess in attendance to the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
Confucius: The 120 figures representing Confucianism pledge to accept the Unification Principle as the truth and to believe and attend the Reverend Sun Myung Moon as the Savior and Messiah in the Completed Testament Age. (2001.12.19)
孔子:代表孔子教的120位儒者謹誓接受統一原理是真理,並且相信及侍奉文鮮明牧師是成約時代的救主及彌賽亞。(2001.12.19)1) Yeom, Baek Woo (who was outstanding in his virtue): I give my oath that, centered on my teacher, Confucius, I will accept the Unification Principle as the truth and attend Reverend Sun Myung Moon as the True Parent.
冉伯牛(以其德性見長於世):我謹誓以我的老師孔夫子為中心,我接受統一原理為真理,並且侍奉文鮮明牧師為真父母。2) Ja Ro (who developed the traditional Chinese political theory): I will loyally follow the way of my master, Confucius.
季路(研發出傳統的中國政治理論):我會忠誠地遵循我師父孔夫子的道路。3) Min, Ja Geon (who was outstanding in his virtue): As I have followed the great Confucius throughout my life, I will trust and follow the way that he has now taken. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, True Parents, I will go the same way as my master. This I pledge.
閔子鶱(以德性見長於世):既然我一生都完全地跟隨我偉大的師父,我相信且會遵從孔夫子現今接受且行走的道路。真父母文鮮明牧師,我會行走我師父行走的道路。這是我的誓言。4) Jae A (along with Ja Gong, this person is renowned for his oratory): Reverend Sun Myung Moon! The True Parents of humankind! Following my teacher Confucius, I pledge to unite with the will of the True Parents of humankind.
宰我(與子貢一起,並且演說見長於世):文鮮明牧師啊!人類的真父母啊!遵循我師父孔夫子的道路,我謹誓要與人類真父母的旨意終生為伍。5) Yeom Woo (who had political capability, along with many other talents): I cheer the Reverend Sun Myung Moon! I cheer the True Parents of humankind! I cheer the Savior and Messiah! I, Yeom Woo, offer my pledge. I will believe and follow the Savior of the new age, who is the Second Coming of Christ, and proceed along this path with the great Confucius.
冉有(除了具有其他長才外,亦有政治能力):我要稱頌文鮮明牧師!我要稱頌人類的真父母!我要稱頌救主和彌賽亞!我冉有謹此宣誓。我相信並會跟隨新時代的救主,他是再臨主,並且我要與我偉大的師父一起行走這條道路。6) Chung Gong (renowned for his benevolence, great generosity and virtue): I will follow the path that my master, Confucius, has taken.
仲弓(以仁慈、慷慨及德性見長):我會跟隨我師父孔夫子所行走的道路。7) An Yeon (an able disciple of Confucius' teachings, outstanding in his studiousness and virtue): Until now, my teacher, Confucius, taught us disciples a way to attain virtue and to follow the true way of a scholar. Witnessing the fact that the Reverend Sun Myung Moon has guided my teacher to the correct way of truth, I, An Yeon, promise to believe and attend Reverend Sun Myung Moon as well.
顏回(孔夫子的得意門生,以博學仁心見聞於世):直到如今,我師父孔夫子教導我們門生要培養德性及奉行儒家的真實道路。在見證到文鮮明牧師指導我師父行走正確的真理之路後,我顏回謹誓要與孔夫子一樣相信及侍奉文鮮明牧師。8) Ja Gong (a great diplomat and political leader during the No and Wui dynasties of ancient China): I, Ja Gong, believe that the Unification Principle is a great truth that can shake the soul of all of humanity. Therefore, I shall arm myself with the Unification Principle and guide Confucianists to a new and revolutionary path. And because our master, Confucius, came to save our souls, I resolve to become a part of the advance guard of the movement for unification, along with him.
子貢(在古代中國的吳魯間偉大的外交家及政治領導者):我子貢相信統一原理是可以搖醒全人類的偉大真理。因此,我要用統一原理來裝備自己,並且引導儒教信 徒進入一個全新及具有革命性的道路。同時由於我們的師父孔夫子拯救了我們的靈魂,我決意要與孔夫子一起成為統一運動的先鋒。9) Ja Ha (renowned for his fighting and literary abilities): As my master, Confucius, humbly accepted and adopted this as the genuine truth, I, Ja Ha, pledge to be obedient to the way of the will of Reverend Sun Myung Moon as well.
子夏(以善鬥及文學能力著稱):既然我的師父孔夫子已虛心地接受及採納了統一原理為正統的真理,我子夏也謹誓要服從文鮮明牧師的旨意之路。10) Ja Yu (outstanding in literature, created a powerful school in the age of the civil wars): Since this is the way that was chosen by my master, Confucius, I, Ja Yu, will also offer my undying passion in going this way.
子游(以文學著稱,在春秋戰國期間創建了著名的學校):由於這是我師父孔夫子所選擇的道路,我子游會全心全意地投入我的熱情行走這條道路。11) Jeong Ja (leading theoretician of filial piety, self-cultivation and loving kindness in Confucianism. Compiled "The Great Learning," one of the Seven Chinese Classics): I believe that the Unification Principle is a theory that can save all humanity, and that it surpasses the teachings, virtues and studies of my master, Confucius. Therefore, along with my master, I determine to receive the teachings of the Unification Principle and the guidance of Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
曾子(儒教中仁民愛物修身養性孝親行善的理論家,編有「大學」,中國七大古書之一):我相信統一原理是一個可以拯救全人類的理論,統一原理超越了我師父孔夫子的教導、德性及研究,因此,我和我師父一起決意要接受統一原理的教導及文鮮明牧師的指導。12) Ja Yu (an advocate of filial piety): I was very moved and inspired by the fact that God, who created the entire universe and human beings, is the Parent of humankind. I respect Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who has revealed such a great truth. I am grateful to my master's loyalty and courageous decision. I wish to guide all Confucianists to this truth.
子有(宣揚孝道):我深深地被創造整個宇宙和人類的神是我們人類的父母這個事實所激勵及感動。我尊敬揭示這偉大真理的文鮮明牧師。我非常感謝我師父的忠誠及具有勇氣的決定。我希望我能帶領所有的儒教信徒都歸向這真理。13) Ja Jang (an advocate of loyalty to and faith in one's king or ruler): Even though I am a human being, I have found the genuine truth. Therefore, even if that way may be one of suffering and difficulty, I believe that following with an unchanging mind is the way of loyalty. So I pledge to Reverend Sun Myung Moon that I will share the suffering and joy of my teacher through following this path.
子張(提倡對國王及治國者盡上個人的忠誠及相信治國者):雖然我是個凡夫俗子,但我已找到了普世真理。因此,就算行走這條道路會經歷痛苦和困難,我堅信以 不變的心情來遵循這條路是忠誠之道的展現。所以我要向文鮮明牧師起誓,我會在行走這條道路期間與我師父同甘共苦。14) Mencius (who taught the divinity of human character): If our Parent is God, then the natural way is to attend God. Therefore, I pledge that I will live in attendance to the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, and that I will do this with unending passion. There is no greater truth than this.
孟子(宣揚人性價值):如果神是我們的父母,則我們自然要侍奉神。因此,我謹誓我活著要侍奉文鮮明牧師,我更要以永不止息的熱情來侍奉文牧師。再也沒有比(統一原理)更偉大的真理了。15) Sun Ja (who taught the importance of education and propriety): I think that the Unification Principle is a truth that can guide people on a clear road through life. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, I thank you and respect you. And I promise to dedicate myself to this great truth unconditionally.
Buddha: Reverend Sun Myung Moon! True Parents! The 120 people of Buddhism vow and pledge to advance toward a movement of peace that will guide humanity in a new direction. We pledge to attend God as the Parent of humankind and Reverend Sun Myung Moon as a True Parent, and to equip ourselves with the Unification Principle and Unification Thought. (2001.12.20)
佛陀:文鮮明牧師啊!真父母!120佛教徒矢志和宣誓要推展一個和平運動,以將人類帶領到一個全新的方向。我們謹誓要將神做為我們的父母來侍奉,將文鮮明牧師當成真父母來侍奉,並且用統一原理和統一思想來裝備我們自己。(2001.12.20)1) Ven. Sariputa (One of Buddha's ten greatest disciples, who had outstanding wisdom): True Parents, Reverend Sun Myung Moon: the twelve Buddhist representatives have resolved to dedicate themselves to your teachings. We respect the virtue and teachings of Buddha and think that the way of Buddha was the way of Heaven.
舍利弗弟子(佛陀的十大弟子之一,智慧第一):真父母文鮮明牧師!佛陀的十二弟子決意要獻身於傳揚您教示的內容。我們尊重佛陀的德行與教導,並且認為佛陀之路即是天國之路。2) Mok, Keon Ryeon (One of Buddha's ten greatest disciples, who had outstanding divine power): Because I believed in and attended the teachings of Buddha, I will proceed with a sincere heart. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the Savior of the Completed Testament Age, I resolve to follow the way of God's will, along with Buddha.
目犍連(佛陀的十大弟子之一,神通第一):因為我相信及侍奉佛陀的教導,我會以虔誠的心情行走未來之路。文鮮明牧師啊!您是成約時代的救主,我決意要與佛陀一起遵行神的旨意。3) Ven. Mahakassapa (One of Buddha's ten greatest disciples, who systematized the Buddhist faith): I think that the Unification Principle and Unification Thought are great teachings, not only for Buddhists, but for all of humankind. I pledge to harmonize the teachings of Buddha and the detailed teachings of the Unification Principle, to lift up the will of God, who is the Parent of humankind, and of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who is the True Parent.
摩訶迦葉弟子(佛陀的十大弟子之一,將佛陀的信仰系統化─頭陀第一):我認為統一原理和統一思想是偉大的經書,不單是適合佛教徒閱讀,更適合全人類研讀學 習。我決意要將佛陀的教導與統一原理的詳細教導融合起來,進而高舉神的旨意。神是人類的父母,而文鮮明牧師是人類的真父母。4) Ven. Anuruddha (One of Buddha's ten greatest disciples): Reverend Sun Myung Moon! I am sincerely grateful for your revelation of and guidance along the way toward the eternal future of humanity. I promise to pioneer a new way of life, along with Buddha, and to meet you in an eternal place.
阿尼律陀弟子(佛陀的十大弟子之一─天眼第一):文鮮明牧師啊!我誠摯地感謝您帶給我們的啟示,以及人類通往永生之路的指引。我謹誓會與佛陀一起開拓一條全新的生活之路,並期待在永恒之地與您相會。5) Ven. Subhadda (One of Buddha's ten greatest disciples): I give thanks to have lived in faith in and attendance to Buddha. I am now able to attend the Reverend Sun Myung Moon and study the Unification Principle. I am deeply grateful for this. I think that the way of truth lies in knowing that the true victor is the one who can win the battles that human beings must fight from the cradle to the grave. This is the fight within oneself. Now that I have encountered the wonderful Unification Principle, I resolve and pledge to make a new start following the guidance and teachings of my new teacher. I can now courageously put aside my old way of thinking.
須菩提弟子(佛陀的十大弟子之一─解空第一):對於本人能有幸侍奉佛陀及領受佛陀的信仰表示感謝。我如今能夠侍奉文鮮明牧師及研讀統一思想,對此我深表感 謝。我認為真理之路在於體認到一個真正的勝利者是一個從出生一直到死亡都在爭戰且得勝的勇士。這是一個人的內心交戰。如今我獲得了統一原理,我決意及宣誓 要跟從我新導師的指導和教示做全新的開始。我如今可以勇敢地拋開我過去的舊有思想。6) Ven. Purna (One of Buddha's ten greatest disciples, the greatest Buddhist preacher): Human beings' birth, life course and death proceed not according to human power but by the will of God. What a great teacher we have met, the one who has taught us about God and that God is our Parent! Reverend Sun Myung Moon, although we are small and insufficient, we of the Buddhist faith have resolved and pledged together, to lift up and attend the will of True Parents, while attending Buddha.
富樓那弟子(佛陀的十大弟子,佛教最偉大的宣教者─說法第一):人類的出生,一生的經歷到死亡不是根據人的力量來進行的,而是根據神的旨意在進行。我們所 遇到的是一位多麼偉大的導師,一位教導我們認識神和神是我們人類父母的導師!文鮮明牧師啊,雖然我們渺小而不足,我們所有的佛教信仰者都決意且一起宣誓, 在我們侍奉佛陀的同時,我們也要高舉及侍奉真父母。7) Ka, Jeon Yeon (One of Buddha's ten greatest disciples, the greatest at debate): There is a section of the Unification Principle entitled "Give and Take Action." I truly admire and am amazed by that content. The Unification Principle is organized perfectly; it is the truth that can save humankind. The theory of Give and Take Action seems at first glance to be commonplace, but it is actually a monumental truth. It contains deep and meaningful content that is essential for our following God's will. I think that the way of following Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who has revealed the Unification Principle, is the way of Heaven, and I promise that I will follow the way of Heaven.
迦旃延(佛陀的十大弟子之一,議論第一):統一原理中有一節談了「授受作用」。我深深地被這節內容所吸引及感動。統一原理的組織可說是完美無缺;那是一部 可以拯救全人類的經書。授受作用的理論第一眼看去好似平淡無奇,但事實上卻是一個普世真理。授受作用包括了極深而有意義的內容,那便是遵循神旨意的精髓。 我認為遵循揭示統一原理的文鮮明牧師行走的道路,便是通往天國之路,我謹誓要遵循天國之路。8) Ven. Upali (One of Buddha's ten greatest disciples, the greatest observant of the Buddhist commandments): Buddha has always been patient, and he has not just taught us but has shown us through his actions. The Unification Principle is very new to us, but since Buddha learned and experienced everything on his own before bringing it us, I cannot but absolutely believe in the Unification Principle. Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the True Parent and Messiah of humankind. I strongly resolve to believe and follow the Messiah. I will advance toward a world of peace centered on God, by going beyond all religious denominations.
優婆離弟子(佛陀的十大弟子之一,佛教十誡的偉大守護神─持律第一):佛陀永遠是那麼地神閒氣定,佛陀不僅說法,更是身體力行為人表率。統一原理對我們而 言是全新的內容,但是因為佛陀在向我們介紹統一原理之前已經研究及奉行了其中的一切,因此我不得不絕對地相信統一原理。文鮮明牧師是真父母和人類的彌賽 亞。我堅定地決意相信及跟從彌賽亞。我會以神為中心向前邁進,超越所有的宗教教派,以實現世界和平。9) Ven. Rahula (the son of Buddha, one of the ten greatest disciples, who was not known to be a disciple): I, Rahula, think of Buddha not just as my father, but as the father of all of us, and I am grateful that I lived a life of asceticism. Now, I am grateful that Buddha has given me the opportunity to access the Unification Principle, which allows me to go the way to the eternal ideal of Heaven. I strongly resolve and pledge that we Buddhist disciples will unite centered on Godism, which can bring about an eternal world of peace for all humanity, while we attend Reverend Sun Myung Moon as our True Parent.
羅?羅(佛陀之子,佛陀的十大弟子之一,世間不知道他是佛陀的弟子):我羅?羅認為佛陀不僅是我的父親,也是我們的父親,我很慶幸我過了一個苦行的修道生 活。如今我再次感謝佛陀賜給我們學習統一原理的機會,統一原理讓我能有行走通往天國的永生之路。我堅定地決定及宣誓我們佛陀弟子會以神主義為中心聯合起 來,神主義是一個可以為人類帶來永久的和平世界之內容,而我們也會侍奉文鮮明牧師做為我們的真父母。10) Ven. Ananda (a younger cousin of Buddha, one of the ten greatest disciples, the greatest in knowledge): It is only natural to attend Reverend Sun Myung Moon as the Messiah of the Completed Testament Age, because all of the fundamental truths Buddha taught to us are found in the Unification Principle. I firmly believe that God is our vertical Parent, and I pledge from now to follow only one path.
阿難陀弟子(佛陀的小堂弟,十大弟子之一,偉大的智者─多聞第一):侍奉文鮮明牧師為成約時代的彌賽亞是很自然的事,因為佛陀教導我們所有基礎真理都可以在統一原理中找到。我堅定地相信神是我們縱的父母,我謹誓從現在開始要遵行唯一的道路。11) Yong Su (who studied and developed Mahayana Buddhism): I firmly believe that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the True Parent, Messiah and Savior of humankind. And I believe that the Unification Principle is the truth that will save all of humanity. I resolve to stand in the forefront of a movement to bring unity centered on Godism, through overcoming the barriers that stand between religious denominations.
龍樹(研究及發展出大乘佛教):我堅定地相信文鮮明牧師是真父母、彌賽亞及人類的救主。我同時相信統一原理是可以拯救全人類的真理。我決意要站在統一運動的最前線,並以神主義為中心克服擺在所有宗教教派之間的藩蘺,以實現全人類的和平統一。12) Se Chin (who helped expand the power of Mahayana Buddhism): I believe that Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who revealed the Unification Principle on the earth, is the True Parent and Messiah. And I hope that the Unification Principle will be passed on to all the people of Buddhist faith. I firmly pledge to actively help in the movement for unification.
Muhammad: Since I, Muhammad, encountered the Unification Principle and met the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, my worldview has changed. I am now confident in everything. Everything seems new to me now. I am filled with optimism and hope. This is because I have come to know the fundamental will of God and that God is the Parent of humankind. I know now that this is the way I must go. The basic way of life is to live in attendance to our vertical and horizontal parents.
穆罕默德:因為我穆罕默德研習了統一原理而且遇見了文鮮明牧師,我的世界觀全改變了。我如今對萬事都有信心!萬事萬物對我而言都是嶄新的!我內心充滿樂觀 與希望。這是因為我知道了神的根本旨意,並體認到神是我們人類的父母這項真理。我知道這是我要行走的道路。生命的根本之道是過著侍奉我們的神(縱的父母) 及真父母(橫的父母)之生活.I cry out: Victory for God! Victory for Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent, Messiah and Savior! All Muslims follow the will of Muhammad. Allah, whom you have been following, was actually God, Jehovah. There is only one God for humankind and God is our Parent. I offer my pledge. I pledge to have faith in everything and follow the will of the Eternal God. (2001.12.26)
我要大聲地呼喊:勝利是屬於神的!勝利是屬於真父母、彌賽亞、救主文鮮明牧師的!所有跟隨穆罕默德的伊斯蘭教徒,你們所信奉的阿拉實際上就是神──耶和 華。人類僅有一位真神,且神是我們的父母。我謹誓,謹誓我萬事都有信心,並且要遵循永生神的旨意。(2001.12.26)1) Abubakr (First Khalifa): Allah is actually God. God and Allah are the same being. Reverend Sun Myung Moon has let the world know that God is the Parent of humankind. He is the True Parent of humankind. Through the Unification Principle, I have discovered truth that has moved me deeply. As Reverend Sun Myung Moon has let me realize the correct fundamentals of human life and the direction of history, I pledge to follow his way. Thank you.
註:哈里發為穆罕默德後嗣之意.2) Umar Bin Kha Pab (Second Khalifa): Muhammad is more passionate and faithful than anyone else. As he introduced us to the Unification Principle, Unification Theology and Reverend Sun Myung Moon, he told us that if we believed in him this far, we should follow him until the end. Moreover, Unification Principle and Unification Theology moved me much more than the teachings of Muhammad did. When we realized that God is our Parent, it hurt us quite a lot. There is only one God called on by different religions, and His purpose is always exactly the same. I was surprised by the fact that religions have fought over small differences. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, I will go forward. I pledge to attend and to follow the will of the True Parent of all humankind.
歐默.賓.哈帕 (第二位哈里發):穆罕默德比任何人都更熱情和更虔誠。.穆罕默德向我們宣揚了統一原理、統一神學和文鮮明牧師,穆罕默德說我們既然已經跟從他這麼久了, 我們應該繼續地跟隨他。此外,統一原理和統一神學比穆罕默德過去教我們的內容更令我感動。當我們瞭解到神是我們的父母時,實在是讓我心痛。事實上只有一位 神,但在不同的宗教中卻有不同的名字,同時神的目的永遠都是相同的。當我瞭解到不同的宗教因為觀點不同而彼此攻擊時,實在是太令我訝異了。文鮮明牧師,我 會努力向前。我謹誓會侍奉人類的真父母,並且跟隨他的旨意而行。3) Osman Bin Afan (Third Khalifa): I have realized that even though the Unification Principle is new, it is a precious truth that can truly change and renew human beings. I sincerely realized God's pain as He waited for humanity for so long. Reverend Sun Myung Moon is qualified to be the Messiah of the Completed Testament Age, and the True Parent of all humankind. I pledge to have faith in, and follow, this great teacher.
奧斯曼.賓.阿法()(第三位哈里發):統一原理縱然是這麼新,但我已經發現到統一原理是寶貴的真理,可以真正地改變和更新人類。我確切地瞭解到神的痛 苦,因為神等待人類已經很久很久了。文鮮明牧師絕對有資格被稱為成約時代的彌賽亞和人類的真父母。我謹誓相信這位偉大的導師,並且要跟隨他。4) Ali Bin Abi Palib (Fourth Khalifa): I wish to say, "Victory to Muhammad!" Because I followed Muhammad, I came to know the Unification Principle and was able to meet Reverend Sun Myung Moon. We are all grateful to both of these people. The Unification Principle provides very accurate and clear guidance for humanity. Muslims, your hard work and devotion have not been in vain. I desire that you receive the teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon. He is a great teacher, Messiah and Savior of the Completed Testament Age. He clearly directs humanity concerning the final problem of the afterlife. I desire that Muslims study Unification Principle. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, thank you for your hard work. I will believe in and follow True Parents.
阿里.賓.阿比.帕立伯(阿里)(第四位哈里發):我想高喊:「勝利屬於穆罕默德!」因為我跟隨穆罕默德,所以我瞭解了統一原理,並且能夠遇見文鮮明牧 師。我們非常地感激這些人。統一原理帶給人類非常正確和清晰的指導。伊斯蘭教的信徒們,你們的熱切努力和奉獻並沒有白費。我渴望你們能夠接受文鮮明牧師的 教導。他是成約時代的一位偉大導師、彌賽亞和成約時代的救主。文牧師清楚地解明了關於人類死後何去何從的問題。我渴望伊斯蘭教信徒能夠研讀統一原理。文鮮 明牧師,感謝您的辛苦工作。我相信真父母,且要跟隨真父母的腳?行。5) Abdullah Bin Abbas (A scholar in the Age of Sahaba, who interpreted the Quran): Muhammad has shown us great courage and passion. He did not allow us to be mistaken about God. I, Abdulla bin Abbas, will follow with total faith everything that Muhammad decides. And, although I have not heard the Unification Principle many times, I can say that it is very systematic and well-organized. I think its logical analysis touched Muhammad's mind. I also accept it and believe it. I pledge to work hard testifying to Muslims, while believing in the vertical God and the horizontal True Parents.
阿卜杜勒.賓.阿巴斯(撤哈巴時代的學者,解釋可蘭經):穆罕默德已經向我們展現了無比的勇氣和熱情。穆罕默德不允許我們對神有任何不正確的認識。我阿卜 杜勒.賓.阿巴斯會完全地接受和相信穆罕默德所決定的一切內容。雖然我研究統一原理的時間不長,但我知道統一原理是一本內容非常有組織性且有系統的經書。 我相信是統一原理的邏輯分析打動了穆罕默德的心。我接受統一原理並相信統一原理。我謹誓要努力地向伊蘭教信徒宣揚統一原理,並且同時相信縱向的神和橫向的 真父母。6) Abdullah Bin Masud (An interpreter of the Quran who lived in the days of Muhammad): I believe that Unification Principle will move Muslims greatly. I desire that all Muslims take interest in the activities of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who is the Savior and True Parent in the Completed Testament Age, and study Unification Principle. Allah, whom we have attended thus far, is none other than God. The world is a wide place. Muslims, please try to broaden your conservative thinking and ideas. I will believe in and attend Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of humankind, who revealed the Unification Principle.
阿卜杜勒.賓.馬樹德(可蘭經的解說者,生活在穆罕默德的時代):我相信統一原理會深深地感動穆斯林。我渴望所有的伊斯蘭教信徒都能夠對文鮮明牧師領導的 活動有興趣,文牧師是成約時代的救主和真父母,我更期待所有的伊斯蘭教信徒都研讀統一原理。我們所信奉和侍奉的阿拉就是神。世界浩瀚無涯。伊斯蘭教的信徒 們,請你們打開心胸,拓寬你們傳統思維的視野。我相信文鮮明牧師,並且會侍奉他,他是人類的真父母,並且為人類揭開了統一原理。7) Abi Bin Khab (An interpreter of the Quran, who lived in the days of Muhammad): Reverend Sun Myung Moon! True Parents of all humanity! I believe in the Messiah, who is the Savior. I also have faith in the fact that the Unification Principle is an eye-opening truth that can guide the future of the world and the afterlife of all humanity. I will go forward believing in and attending the True Parents of humankind. This I pledge and swear.
阿比.賓.哈伯(可蘭經的解說者,生活在穆罕默德的時代):文鮮明牧師啊!全人類的真父母!我相信彌賽亞──人類的救主。我同時相信統一原理是能打開雙眼的真理,可以引導全人類的未來及來生的生活。我會向前邁進、相信及侍奉人類的真父母。這是我的誓言。8) Amu Hanifa (Founder of the Hanapi School): Unification Principle is so moving. Words cannot express the greatness of its truth. It is definitely a revelation from God. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, True Parents, thank you for your hard work. As the future and afterlife of all of humanity has now been clearly revealed through Unification Principle, Earth and Heaven should be happy and cheer, "Victory! Victory!" I pledge to believe in and attend Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
阿慕.哈尼法(哈那比學校的創建者):統一原理實在太感動人了。統一原理的偉大實在沒法用文字來形容。這絕對是來自於神的啟示。文鮮明牧師、真父母,謝謝 您的努力工作。人類的未來及來生的生活現在都已通過統一原理得到了解明,天與地都應該欣喜和歡呼:「勝利!勝利!」我謹誓相信文鮮明牧師,並要侍奉他。9) Malikh Bin Anas (Founder of the Maliki School): Muhammad did not persuade us. He did not even teach us the details of the Unification Principle. We were moved by the look in his eyes and quality of his actions, once he learned about the Unification Principle. Muhammad's courage and vision, manifested as if the whole world were his, moved us. I believe in Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent and Savior of humankind, and I believe that the Unification Principle is a revelation from God. We pledge to equip ourselves with the Unification Principle and to follow unchangingly, actively supporting the work of the True Parents.
馬立克.賓.安那斯(馬立克學校的建校者):穆罕默德並沒有說服我們,他甚至沒有教導我們統一原理的詳細內容。在他研習了統一原理之後,我們只是看著他的 雙眼和高貴的行為便深受感動。穆罕默德的勇氣和願景深深地感動了我們,他的勇氣與願景展現出整個世界就好像是他的一樣。我相信文鮮明牧師,他是人類的真父 母和救主,我同時相信統一原理是來自於神的啟示。我們謹誓要用統一原理來裝備自己,並且永不改變地跟隨文牧師,積極地支持真父母的工作。10) Ibn Idris Il-Shafi (Founder of the Shafi School): The Unification Principle is an eye-opening gospel given to humankind. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who has come as a True Parent! I'm sorry that I have not been given enough time to express how I am moved, but I am truly grateful to you. Without a revelation from God, the Unification Principle couldn't have appeared on the Earth. I firmly pledge to believe in and attend the Messiah in the Completed Testament Age.
伊賓.伊迪利斯.伊爾-薩非(薩非學校的創建者):統一原理是賜給人類並令人雙眼大開的福音。文鮮明牧師是以人類的真父母降臨!我實在抱歉我沒法有太多的 時間來表達我是多麼地深受感動,但我真的是非常地感激您。沒有來自於神的啟示,統一原理不可能出現在地上。最後謹誓我相信及侍奉成約時代的彌賽亞。11) Ahmad Bin Hanbal (Founder of the Hanballi School): Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the Savior of humankind, thank you! Thank you for your hard work. The Unification Principle proves everything. I will believe in and attend you.
阿瑪德.賓.韓布爾(韓布里學校創建者):文鮮明牧師,全人類的救主,感謝您!感謝您為人類的辛苦工作。統一原理證明了一切。我相信您,且要侍奉您。12) Al-Ashari (Founder of the Sunni branch): I first would like to shout, "Victory to Muhammad!" Because of his having devoted all of his passion to Allah, he has been able to find the Unification Principle. Now, I hope that those of the Muslim faith will believe in and follow Muhammad until the end. The Unification Principle is not a theory that came from the brain of a person on Earth. It is the new gospel, which Reverend Sun Myung Moon revealed through revelations from God. Reverend Sun Myung Moon! True Parents! O Messiah, O Savior! Victory! Victory! Victory! I firmly resolve to go the way of loyalty and filial piety, while believing and attending the True Parents.
阿爾-阿夏利(蘇尼分支的創建者:我首先要高喊:「勝利是屬於穆罕默德的!」因為穆罕默德奉獻了一切的熱情給阿拉,如此他才能找到統一原理。如今我希望伊 斯蘭教的信徒能繼續相信穆罕默德,並且跟隨他到永遠。統一原理不是一個源自於某一個人頭腦的理論。統一原理是新福音,是文鮮明牧師通過神的啟示而找到的。 文鮮明牧師!真父母!哦彌賽亞,哦救主!勝利!勝利!勝利!我堅定地決意我要行走忠孝之路,相信及侍奉真父母。
Three people from among the 12 representatives
12位代表中的三人代表做以下的見證1) Shankara (founder of the Advaita Vedanta): I am very sorry to have to tell you my reflection on the Unification Principle after having listened to lectures for but a short period of time. I will try to make a worthy statement in the time given. Through this seminar, I newly realized the following: that God is the Parent of humankind, that in order to correct the deviated history, God sent providential central figures, that God sent the great teacher Reverend Sun Myung Moon as the Savior of humankind, and that the Unification Principle has been revealed as the new truth, to teach humankind the correct path. God! Reverend Sun Myung Moon!
向克拉(阿維塔. 吠陀哲學的創建者):在聽完了講師講述的統一原理後,我很抱歉要告訴各位我只有短短的時間來做見證。我會把握這短短的時間做出精簡的見證。通過這個修練 會,我初次地瞭解了以下內容:神是人類的父母,為了導正偏離正道的歷史,神差遣了攝理的中心人物,神更差遣了偉大的導師文鮮明牧師做為人類的救主,統一原 理是新啟示的新真理,要教導人類行走正確的道路。神啊!文鮮明牧師啊!Because Hinduism didn't know of the existence of the one God, our religious ceremonies were very complex, and as the ages and environments changed, our religion adopted various local and ethnic religious forms. However, the Hindu mind always desired to find an absolute being. Whether it is expressed through a local religion or a philosophical ideology, is not the desire to find God lodged within the original character of all human beings?
因為印度教徒並不知道神的存在,,因此我們的宗教儀式非常地複雜,並且隨著時間和環境的改變,我們的宗教採納了許多區域性和部落的宗教儀式。但是,不論如 何,印度教信徒的心情都是在尋找一位絕對的存在。不論這絕對存在是通過區域宗教或哲學性意識形態來表現,這都不是尋找住在我們人類心中具有本然形象神的渴 望。Through listening to the Unification Principle, I, Shankara, have clearly realized that God has been involved in the internal world of human beings. Now, since I know God's fundamental purpose, I have rid myself of all of my previous thoughts. I will organize all my thought patterns centered on Godism. And I will think over Reverend Sun Myung Moon's theory about how to save humanity, God's love, and the dispensational history of restoration. I will invest all that I have to go the way of genuine truth, while thinking carefully about everything I do.
通過學習統一原理,我湘卡拉已清楚地瞭解到神與我們人類的永生世界有關。如今,因為我已經瞭解了神的基本目的,我已將我舊有的思想全部拋棄。我會以神主義 為中心來組織我的所有思維模式。我也會思考文鮮明牧師拯救全人類的理論,思考神的愛以及復歸的攝理歷史。我會投入我的一切精力來行走這條真理之路,且會仔 細地思考我所做的每一件事。Reverend Moon! Thank you. It is a great honor that you have thought of the religion of Hinduism. As a representative of Hinduism, I pledge to become a pioneer in the unification movement.
文牧師!感謝您。感謝您能夠為我們印度教信徒設想周到。做為印度教代表,我謹誓要成為統一運動的開路先鋒。2) Madwa (A pioneer of dualistic philosophy, who built the Temple of Krishna): After listening to the Unification Principle, I realize that we have been spending much time on things that are pointless. There exists a Creator, a causal being, but as humanity didn't know about the cause, neither could we know about the effect-this world. I, Madwa, am mortified that I spent so much time meditating and reasoning, when that was all pointless. Of what use are arguments over monism or dualism without the guidance originally intended for humankind?
馬達瓦(二元論哲學的先驅,建立牧牛神奇里什那神廟):在學習統一原理之後,我發現我過去花了太多時間在無意義的事物上。有一位造物主,原因的存在,但人 類卻不知道這位原因的存在,而我們也不明白祂的形象──這世界。我馬達瓦後悔我花了太多的時間在瞑想及合理化,但都是無目的的作為。在沒有原本要賜給人類 的本然指導下,辯論一元論或二元論有什麼用呢?O God! I, Madwa, was been able to find You. I did not even dream that You are the Parent of humankind. Although we lived wrongly, now that we have found the genuine truth in the eternal afterlife, we will be grateful to God and start our lives over. We will absolutely obey the guidance and teachings of Reverend Moon, who is a great leader, a great teacher and the True Parent.
哦神啊!我馬達瓦能夠尋見您,但我從來沒有想過您是人類的父母。雖然我們過去過著錯誤的生活,但我們卻在來生找到了本然的真理,我們非常地感謝神,並且會過著嶄新的生活。我們會絕對地遵從文牧師的指導與教示,文牧師是偉大的領袖、偉大的導師及真父母。Moreover, I, Madwa, will pour all my energy into completely understanding the Unification Principle. Thank you.
此外,我馬達瓦會投入全部的精力以完全地瞭解統一原理。謝謝您。3) Maharishi Gautama (Founder of the Niyaya philosophy and the philosophy and practice of yoga): I was severely shocked when I realized that God is the Parent of humankind. Even though there is an ideal place in which God and His children should have lived together from the time we were created, up until now, we have turned our face away from God and have created an unprincipled history. When I realize that we need to discard atheistic philosophy completely, my mind is so troubled, infinitely troubled. What can I do? There is no other way. I cannot explain how I feel. I am filled with regret, lamentation and nausea.
瑪赫里希.喬答摩(尼亞亞哲學,瑜珈哲學和練瑜珈的創始者):當我知道神是人類的父母時,我著實地大吃一驚!雖然打從人類被造開始,便有一個佳美之地好讓 神和祂的子女居住,但直到如今我們仍然背離了神,並且創造了不合原理的歷史.當我瞭解到我們要完全地放棄苦行的修道哲學時,我的內心真是矛盾,真是有無限 的矛盾.我要怎麼做呢?沒有第二條路好走.我實在沒法說出內心的感受.我的內心充滿懊悔,感到憂愁及頭暈眼花.The Unification Principle gives us new hope. It is so clear. God did not create man and woman to be complicated. God gave humankind one correct way. I feel that after having floated in a sky endlessly, I have been rearranged and recreated as a new human being. This is not a time for lament and regret, but rather to have new hope and energy as I attend Reverend Moon, whom God has sent as the Messiah. Therefore, I firmly offer my pledge.
統一原理帶給了我們新的希望。太清晰明確了。神並沒有用複雜的方式創造男人與女人。神賜給人類一條正確的道路。我感覺我好像在無止盡的天空漂浮了很久之 後,才被重新地組合並創造成一個全新的人。這不是一個懊悔及憂傷的時刻,而是一個藉著侍奉真父母而滿有新希望與力量的時刻,真父母是神所差遣來的彌賽亞。 因此,我要鄭重地獻上宣誓。Reverend Moon! Thank you for having called Hinduism. From the moment we encounter this new truth, Hindus will not live quietly. I firmly pledge to be obedient to God.
6. Four Representative Communist Leaders
1. Karl Marx (1818-1883, The founder of Marxism; born in Trier, Germany.): I, Marx, affirm God's existence and that He is the Parent of all humankind. I denied God and shouted loudly with confidence to the extent that people believed me more than God. Now I'd like to reveal my experience with God to the whole world. I felt that my theoretical paradigm was crumbling as I listened to the Godism lecture. At the same time my pride was damaged severely. When I listened to Godism, I thought it was a dream, but it was not. Then a beam of light came into my heart like a red-hot bullet.
卡爾.馬克思(1818-1883,馬克思主義的原創者;生於德國特里爾):我馬克思確認神的存在及神是全人類的父母。過去我否定神的存在,我堅信地大聲 呼喊,甚至到了人們相信我超過相信神的程度。如今我要向全世界揭露我個人與神交往的經驗。在我聽到了神理論的講義後,我感覺到我的理論模式完全地被粉碎 了。在此同時,我的自尊也嚴重地受傷。當我耹聽神主義時,我覺得神主義有如一場夢,但事實上卻不是夢。之後,一道光如同炙熱的子彈射入我心。I, Marx, have met God. I have found that He is the Parent of humankind. I have felt the greatness of God's love. I clearly convey to you who God is. He is the Parent of humankind. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who is on the Earth, brought this fact to light. The Divine Principle and Unification Thought express the original standards that open the way to salvation, so you must read them. I ask this of you seriously. I clearly say that I apologize for my past to God and True Parents and love them and am proud of them. Marx, April 18, 2002
我,馬克思遇見了神。我發現到神是全人類的父母。我體驗到神愛的偉大。我清楚地告訴你們神是誰了。神是我們人類的父母。如今在地上的文鮮明牧師帶來了真理 的真光。原理講論與統一思想揭示出本然的標準,而這也是救贖之道,所以你們要好好地研讀這兩本書。我鄭重地請求你們這麼做。我對於過去否定神與真父母表示 歉意,我愛神及真父母,並以神和真父母為榮。馬克思,2002年4月18日。2. Lenin (Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov; 1870-1924, The leader of the Russian Revolution, the October 1917 revolution, Chairman of The People's Commissariat.): God certainly exists. He exists as the Parent of humankind. In spite of that, I put myself on the vanguard of Communist revolution with a sword in my hands, shouting out that there are no parents. I made their hearts ache.
列寧(弗拉底米爾.伊利.烏拉諾夫;1870-1924,俄國革命,1917年10月的革命領袖,人民大會主席):神當然存在。神是以人類的父母存在。但是,在我置身於共黨革命的前線手握刀劍時,我大聲喊著他們沒有父母。我造成他們的心情痛苦。I announce to Communists: God, Jehovah, certainly exists and He is the Parent of humankind. The Communist counties will perish without fail. The ideal of Communism will be realized by its being engrafted upon Unification Thought. I have an earnest request for you. There is only one way for Communist countries to live and that is to follow Reverend Moon's guidance. Please study the Divine Principle in detail. Please receive the thought of Reverend Moon and study it deeply. If you do so, you will attend God more truly than the thinkers or politicians of the Free World. This is the only way to live truly. If you follow my words, it will release me from unimaginable suffering and agony. I beg this of you. Communist countries must re-arrange everything as soon as possible. I met God. The spirit doesn't die, but lives. This is my last wish, given in blood from the world of Heaven. "God is alive. God is the Parent of humankind." Lenin, April 19, 2002
我要向共黨宣告:神,耶和華當然存在,神是人類的父母。共產國家當然會滅亡。共產主義的理想只有在共產主義與統一思想接技後才能實現。我對各位有一個誠摰 的請求。共產國家只有一條出路,那便是跟隨文牧師的指導。請詳細地研讀統一原理。請接受文牧師的思想,並且深入地研習。如果你們這麼做,你們便會比自由世 界的思想家或政治家更真誠地侍奉神。這是過真實生活的唯一途徑。如果你們聽從我的話,你們會把我從難以想像的痛苦及怨恨中解放出來。我乞求各位這麼做。共 產國家必須儘快地進行改革。我遇見了神。我們的靈魂不會死去,而是永遠活著。這是我最後的願望,我以天國的血發誓。「神活著!神是人類的父母。」列 寧,2002年4月19日。3. Stalin (Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili Stalin, 1879-1953, Lenin's successor, who communized Russia.): Friends in Communist countries, I am Stalin. You have had wrong thinking. As the way you are going is not the way you should go, you must turn to the right path as soon as possible. One's life on the Earth determines the place one will live in the heavenly world. Our beliefs are wrong. The worst of it is that we deny and ignore God, who is the origin of the cosmos. The God we denied is the Parent of humankind. God is not a theological existence, but is our Parent.
史達林(約瑟.費沙利歐諾維契.杜加維利.史達林,1879-1953,列寧的追隨者,將蘇聯共黨化):共黨同志們,我是史達林。你們的想法都錯了。你們走在你們不該走的路上,你們應該立即回到正道上。 一個人在地上的生活決定了他在靈界生活的地方。我們的信仰錯了。最糟糕的是我們否定神及輕忽神,而神卻是宇宙的本源。我們否定的神是人類的父母。神不是只存在於神學中,而是我們的父母。Those at whom we laughed live well in spirit world. It is certain that they didn't go to Hell. When we laughed at them, they and God loved us. We live in the bottom of Hell here. Do you understand what it means? People here don't treat each other as human beings, but as material. If there were any means to rid myself of this pain, I would do it. The place one dwells in the spirit world cannot be decided by power, honor or gold. It is decided by the sincerity of your life on the Earth. First, know and believe God and attend Him. Second, completely clarify your way of life.
但我們取笑的人卻在靈界過得很好。顯然他們沒有下地獄。當我們在取笑他們時,神和他們卻愛我們。我們如今生活在地獄中的地獄。你們瞭解這是什麼意思嗎?地 獄中的人不把人當人看,地獄中的人把人當成物質看。如果有任何方式能夠消除我的痛苦,我一定會去做。一個人生活在靈界的地方是沒法用權利,榮譽或金錢來決 定的。這完全是由一個人地上生活的精誠來決定。首先,認識神、相信神及侍奉神。再來,完全地潔淨生活的方式。Please receive the will of Reverend Moon completely, open your minds and build churches for the worship of God and hold worship services. Reverend Moon reflects the image of God, even though he is a man, and he is struggling intensely to save Communist countries. His thought is messianic, especially for the Communist countries. You must receive his ideology of peace immediately. I, the dictator who denied God, cry out to all the Communist countries on the Earth. Please believe in God and seek for Him. Stalin, April 19, 2002.
請你們接受文牧師的旨意,打開你們的心門,建立教會並進行禮拜以侍奉神。文牧師反射了神的形象,雖然他是位人子,但他卻盡一切努力以拯救共產國家。文牧師 的思想是個福音,特別對共產國家而言更是!你們必須即刻接受文牧師的和平思想。因為神活著,唯有侍奉神才能拯救共產國家。我這位否定神的獨裁者大聲地向地 上的共產黨大聲疾呼,請你們相信神及尋求神。史達林,2002年4月19日。4. Deng Xiao Ping (1902-1997, the Chairman of Chinese Communist Party.): Thanks be to God for forgiving the one who committed sin. Thank you Reverend Moon for working hard to save those in Hell and the Communist bloc.
鄧小平(1902-1997, 中國共產黨主席.):感謝神原諒我這個犯下罪懺的罪人。感謝文牧師為了拯救我們這些在地獄及共黨集團中的罪人而如此辛苦。Friends in the Communist Party! The word that followed me was one that made God's heart bleed. I now know that I was a terrible sinner. Reverend Moon is the one who brought to light Unification Thought and the Divine Principle, and he is the father of humankind named as True Parent by God. Follow him and be guided by him. Communism has misled humankind. God exists as the Parent of humankind. We all became rebels against God. The spirits are destined to live here in the spirit world. There is no way for Communists to live, but by following Reverend Moon's guidance. This is my earnest wish and appeal. Deng Xiao Ping, April 21, 2002
共黨朋友們!我的話是讓神淌血的!我如今知道我是個罪大惡極的人。文牧師是帶來統一思想及原理講論真光的那一位,他是人類的父親,並且被神稱為真父母。跟 從他並接受他的指引吧。共產主義誤導了人類。神是以人類的父母存在。我們都成為敵擋神的叛徒。我們的靈人體終究要生活在靈界。共產黨除了遵從文鮮明牧師的 指引外,沒有任何活路。這是我誠摯的希望與請求。2002年4月21日。
Dear Beloved True Parents,
親愛的真父母,I am the God of all people. I am the God of all people. I am the God of all people.
我是眾人之神,我是眾人之神,我是眾人之神!My beloved son. My beloved son. My beloved son,
我親愛的兒子,我親愛的兒子,我親愛的兒子。I, the God of all people, love True Parents! I love you greatly! I hold you dearly!
眾人之神的我深愛著真父母!我非常地愛你!我要緊緊地摟著你!How could I help but feel happiness and gratitude for you, who are my son? If there were a word better than "love," I would like to borrow that verb, but I can't think of a better word. Although the True Parents reside in a deep place in my heart, I cannot adequately express my love for you in words.
我除了感到幸福和感激你以外還是感激,誰是我的兒呢?如果有比「愛」更好的字,我一定要借用那個字來表達我對你的「愛」。但我沒法想到更好的字。雖然真父母住在我內心深處,但千言萬言仍然沒法表達我對你的愛。As you, the True Parents, have now succeeded in everything and have raised everything to its true level, you are now the Savior, Messiah and King of Kings of all of humanity!!! Because on December 25, 2001, the Founders and representatives of Christianity and the other religions adopted written resolutions in which they without exception resolved to participate in realizing the peaceful unification of the cosmos, while attending the True Parents, it is right and proper that the True Parents are exalted in the position of True Parents of all humankind. I, the God of all people, desire this and want to see it happen.
真父母,你如今已在所有的層面上都獲得成功,並且將萬物提昇到純真的基準,你如今已是救主、彌賽亞及所有人類的萬王之王。因為在2001年的12月25 日,基督教及其他宗教的建教者和代表已經呈上了書面的決議,每一個人都決意要參與及實現天宙和平統一,同時侍奉著真父母。真父母站在全人類的真父母這個位 置上接受頌讚是正確和適當的。眾人之神的我期待眾人頌讚真父母,更樂觀其成。Despite the people of the world not yet fully understanding the position of True Parents, because the position should be fulfilled internally, I, the God of all people, invite the True Parents to the position of King of Kings.
儘管世人不完全瞭解真父母的位置,也因為這個位置必須內地完成,眾人之神的我邀請真父母登上萬王之王的位置。Because the True Parents have, in my place, endured countless difficult paths, I now want to bestow upon you all of the gratitude, inspiration, excitement and joy that I have been feeling. I want you to inherit all that is mine.
因為真父母代替我行走了無數的艱難道路,我要將我所感覺到的感激、激勵、驚喜和喜悅完全賜給你。我要你繼承我擁有的一切!My beloved True Parents! I have wanted to express my heart to you for a long time, but I have not had such an opportunity. However, now this daughter of mine has looked into my heart. This has allowed this time to come to pass, and I would like to express to you my gratitude.
我親愛的真父母!長久以來我都想向你傾訴我的心情,但我卻一直找不到這個機會。但是,如今我的女兒已看透我心。也讓這個時刻來到,我要向你表達我對你的感激之意。True Parents! My beloved True Parents! I want to hold you in my bosom and not let you go! It is a waste for me to walk the floor with my two legs. I want to hold you all night and talk to you!
真父母!我親愛的真父母!我要用盛開的花朵緊緊地摟住你而不讓你走!我實在不想浪費我的雙腿在地上行走,我要整夜緊緊地摟住你,整夜向你傾訴我的心情。I, the God of all people, have faith. I believe in the True Parents. I know and remember all of the difficulties, pain and suffering that you have had to endure. I have seen it all. It was all my responsibility, yet you endured and raised a victorious standard. How can I ever forget you? I am grateful.
眾人之神的我有信心。我相信真父母。對於真父母所經歷和忍受的困難、痛苦及艱難都知道且永遠記住。我都看到了。雖然那是我的責任,但你卻為我承受,並且提昇到一個勝利的標準。我怎麼能忘記你呢?我實在是感謝你。I am so happy because of you. Truly, I thank you for your hard work.
我因為你而內心充滿喜悅!真的,我非常感謝你的辛苦的工作。My beloved True Parents, victory to you! Victory to the Saviors of humanity! Victory to the King of Kings, True Parents!
我親愛的真父母,勝利是屬於你的!勝利是屬於人類的救主!勝利是屬於萬王之王──真父母!I, the God of all people, sincerely convey this to my beloved True Parents.
我是眾人之神,誠摯地寫這封信給我親愛的真父母!Midnight, December 28, 2001