目前分類:真家庭-通往天國之門 (3)

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Chapter Four


The Human Course



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Section 3. . Love, the Nutrient for Eternal Life


You shouldn’t forget that while you were a fetus, you did not just receive nutrients from your mother. You also received love. In a similar manner, people living on earth do not simply receive physical nutrients from the universe (nature).  They also receive love, an essential element of life, from God. (Blessed Families and the Ideal Kingdom of Heaven vol. I -1066, 1984.4.24)


Plants absorb sunlight as an element of life, and in a similar way love is an element of life for people. Our earnest desire is for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth or the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven to be built as places where we can revere each other in love eternally. (Blessed Families and the Ideal Kingdom of Heaven vol. I -1066, 1986.3.20)


The path that men and women walk exists because of love and for the sake of love. We each have a path to travel, and it is a path of love. (Blessed Families and the Ideal Kingdom of Heaven vol. I -1066, 1984.4.24)

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True Families:

Gateways to Heaven






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