Preface: What follows is a complex document. It was produced at a seminar in spirit world for leaders of the five great religions. It includes testimonies to the True Parents, Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, a letter from God, messages from four communist leaders, and a resolution written and adopted by the representatives of the five great religions.

  To take this all in, we advise you to relax and open your mind for a while. If you believe in the existence of a higher dimension of reality, of God, of an invisible realm, this will call you to reflect on the implications of that belief. We believe in the spirit world and in the continuation of individual identity from this world to that one. All the passed-away saints are residing in spirit world. Since Jesus called him in 1935, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon has carried on a ministry to spirit world in parallel with his ministry on Earth. He has sought to gather the founders and saints of all faiths around one table of unity. In recent times, he has ministered to spirits in hell and opened the gates of their liberation. This collection of testimonies is one fruit of that ministry.
  為了能讓您完全地消化這些內容,我們誠懇地建議您放鬆心情,打開心門。如果您相信有更高次元的事實,相信神的存在,相信有看不見的世界,這篇文章將會 讓您對信仰的實踐面有更深的省思。我們相信有靈界,我們相信靈界是我們人在地上的肉身生活結束後靈魂繼續生活直到永遠的地方。所有逝去的先聖先賢目前都住 在靈界。打從耶穌在1935年呼召文鮮明牧師要繼續完成耶穌未完成的使命後,文牧師便在靈界與地上界同時展開了平行併行的宣教工作。文牧師努力將所有宗教 的創教者與聖賢聚集在一起。近來,文牧師對地獄中的靈人宣教,並且打開了他們通往自由的大門。這篇文章收錄的見證只不過是文牧師宣教的成果之一。

  The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is publishing this document throughout America and in 40 countries worldwide. This proclamation is our responsibility to let all humankind know the works of God in our age.
  世界和平統一家庭聯合會在全美及世界上的四十幾國同步刊登這篇文章。我們的責任是向世人宣告 神在我們這世代的工作。

  This message has significant practical as well as spiritual import. It is a unifying message, addressing believers of all faiths as one global family. As such it is intended to draw all men and women to the one Holy God and help bring world peace. Peace will not arrive through politics or economic development alone, as crucial as these things are. The foundation for peace is common faith in God and practice of true parental, conjugal and familial love. Hence the value of True Parents, and the messianic power of their words and works.

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My dear brothers and sisters,

Our brother Yulian Marianov <> sent out his testimony about Web Outreach which is a precious example of how much can be achieved by one person working consequently to provide valuable materials via the internet for hundreds of thousands of people to become familiar with the foundation of our True Parents.


Please read this testimony attentively to grasp the great potential which lies in the realm of the cyberspace to advance the spreading of God's truth and to raise up spiritual children through connecting with people deeply by using the external possibilities the internet provides.


May the victorious foundation established in Bulgaria be expanded to all countries...


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Worship Service July 18, 2010 from on Vimeo.

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第 1 章







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