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圖中間為本文作者 Mr. Edvardas Rudys ,右邊為其夫人 (取自Today's World 2011.5)

Mr. Edvardas Rudys 是位作家與詩人, 立陶宛的和平大使 , 看過文鮮明牧師自傳後,深受感動並願意幫文牧師自傳潤校為立陶宛語,以供立陶宛的人民更易於閱讀。以下是其讀後感言:

這本書對我們每一位而言都是寶貴的,它反映了一個人對這世界的愛,並對愛給予最重要的詮釋-普世和平。在整本書中對此做了很棒的描述, 並有智慧地讓我們堅信不疑,要讓深藏於內心的那份愛,引導我們走在創造全球和平的道路上。



當這世界並非向文牧師微笑以對,甚至不友善時,他卻能設法不陷入歧途,這事對我而言相當有意思。每一步都極其困難,但是他以純粹的心靈去昇華一切並加以克服。生命中的不順消磨著他,但他卻越來越純粹美好,而現在,在接近人生的終點時,他的閱歷是豐富而多采多姿的。 因為他的靈、他內在的自我保持著良善,無須做任何改變而只需與他人分享他所擁有的一切良善。我從書中看到文牧師就是在做這樣的事。

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First Unificationist to Fulfill Tribal Messiahship from Hyung Jin Nim Videos (iUnificati on Vimeo.


第一位完成<宗族彌賽亞>使命的巴西會員 Arcanjo


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這是錄自3/12 下午1點到2點 復興廣播電台"生活Life廣播節目" 潘宗華主持人對智庫文化發行人 華先生的專訪內容,暢談文鮮明牧師的自傳書~熱愛和平的世界公民,分享對這本書與對文牧師的推崇,以及書中傳達給世人深具啟發與激勵的訊息。

AM Hwa

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1000th Great Works Workshop Testimonial



Upon arriving on August 7th evening, the mountains of CheongPyeong, immediately felt, and then saw the presence of angels there. It truly felt like a Heavenly place here on earth. My wife Eileen and I originally went to pray for receiving blessing for our baby. We arrived the second day of the 1000 anniversary of the Great Works Workshop.



Second day, the 8th, at Ching Shing Wan we gave our wish card. Seeing a lead angel there directing other angels in blessing those in prayer. Later we visited Dae Moo Nims prayer room to give our Prayer card, even though she was not physically there, felt first and then saw her spirit blessing us.

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My dear brothers and sisters,

Our brother Yulian Marianov <yulianuts@yahoo.co.uk> sent out his testimony about Web Outreach which is a precious example of how much can be achieved by one person working consequently to provide valuable materials via the internet for hundreds of thousands of people to become familiar with the foundation of our True Parents.


Please read this testimony attentively to grasp the great potential which lies in the realm of the cyberspace to advance the spreading of God's truth and to raise up spiritual children through connecting with people deeply by using the external possibilities the internet provides.


May the victorious foundation established in Bulgaria be expanded to all countries...


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