目前分類:和平的主人,血統的主人 (3)

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 The Second Generation Are Leaders of the Family Hoon Dok Hwe


You should all quit school and attend kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school in Korea. That is the fast way. A year in a Korean kindergarten, six years in elementary school, and six years in middle and high school adds up to 13 years. If you graduate from high school and understand this, then you know everything about the world. In 13 years, you will know everything. After that, there can be university and graduate school. To complete a doctoral program in the Abel sphere centering on Cain and Abel, a person should be able to refer to books from eight countries. Without such ability, a person cannot enter the doctoral program at Harvard University.


Our son Hyungjin wanted to go there, so he learned eight languages and now he can read books in those languages. So don’t disrespect him. That’s how much he studied. He wanted to do the things his older brother had intended to do, and so he made up his mind and for seven years went through all sorts of things. He lived in China for four months. He mastered Chinese. He is a son who in eight months can learn eight languages.


Even infants, when they become about 8 months old, or before they turn a year old, are able to understand most of what their mother and father say, can’t they? It doesn’t even take them three years. Within two and a half years, they can communicate in the language of their country. By the time they are three, they have complete communication ability. Beginning in kindergarten in America, the language of one country – one particular language – should be learned. A person who does not know his mother tongue will not be able to enter Heaven.

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Only M can open the special nation with a key


Time has come for the United Nations to unite with the United States through the Parent Peace UN. The “Cain-Abel Universal Peace Federation Won-gu Peace Cup”* was held as the venue for the unity between Cain and Abel. This event, centered on True Parents, was a tremendous accomplishment that overwhelmed Heaven and Earth. Where did it take place? This event that shook Heaven and Earth, was held in the Original Palace of Heaven and Earth. The beginning of the commemoration was centered on the 13-day period, the Coronation Ceremony, the Golden Wedding Anniversary, the 55th Anniversary of the foundation of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity and formed the origin of the 110th Anniversary. Going over 110 years. The dual ideal is established.


Because the providence of individual salvation has entered the era where the family, nation and world could be united at once, the restoration of the Heavenly Kingdom is now possible to accomplish over one evening. What if I arrive in America after having accomplished the program that had failed to take place over one evening here, and the American people, together with President Obama, say that they want to attend Rev. Moon? Even if they say so, I will say that I don’t like the idea and will have to go and reside in Russia and China, countries where the standard of peace have been established.


Also, do you know about the people that live amidst the ice of Arctic and Antarctica? They are called Eskimos. “Es” stands for “special.” “Mo” stands for “moon” (which also means “door” in Korean). The king of those people is “moon” and, centering on Rev. Moon, people in the frigid zones of Arctic and Antarctica will establish the kingship. Eskimos have waited for the arrival of their king and it is only “M” that can open this special nation with a key. Rev. Moon has to become King. This way the nation that was driven by the white people into the midst of the Arctic and Antarctic ice becomes the free world.

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The Words of True Parents on the Occasion of the 233rd Anniversary of

the Independence of the United States of America





Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

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